Tuesday, April 30, 2013

The Mystery of the Disappearing Phone Storage

As the shift toward mobile from desktop computers continues, manufacturers are also moving advertising techniques, both subtle and obtuse. One of the most time-honored methods used is to populate the new device with copious optional software packages, also known as bloatware.  While desktop systems often have gigabytes of storage to spare, this is not often true of smartphones. Which leads to the Mystery of the Disappearing Phone Storage.

With the exception of the Google Nexus line of phones and tablets, every authorized Android phone manufacturer not only modifies the stock user interface, but also installs a set of trial applications.  Some Mobile Carriers, such as AT&T and Verizon also include other applications specific to themselves, adding yet more bloatware to the device.  The effect of adding all these extra packages is the loss of the default storage space of the device.

The Samsung Galaxy S4 on AT&T the 16GB model comes with 8GB of bloatware pre-installed, taking 50% of the on-board device storage.  On higher capacity models this isn't as obvious, but isn't any less similar to the same practices by desktop and laptop computer manufacturers. The biggest difference between mobile and desktop computers in the case of bloatware is the total storage.  Whereas a desktop may have 750GB and use 50GB for bloatware taking only 7% of the space, a phone has only 16GB and half of that is used for bloatware.

Despite the fact that many smartphones are premium devices and already cost more than an entry level desktop or laptop, manufacturers and carriers are deflating that value by bundling in a slew of junk applications that are non-optional (and often non-removable).   So if you're wondering why it seems like your new phone seems to be lacking some storage, you can thank your service provider.

Are the carriers getting a bit too involved with their customers? Hit the comments section with your take.

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